ETP with No Pollution
Zero Discharge is a design paradigm in process engineering where the liquid waste is completely nullified by reusing the waste liquid in the main process or some other ancillary process. All industrial processes produce a residue at the end of the production line. In traditional industries it is considered that the residue adds to no value and therefore is discarded. The practice of throwing away this wastewater became a major concern for the environment. Industrial waste carried chemicals, nano-particles, and other pollutants that not only affected the ecology, but also carried the risk of entering the human food-chain, thereby putting human health in jeopardy. To mitigate this issue, the Effluent Treatment Plant or ETP was introduced. Effluent, in industrial terminology, is the waste liquid of a process. In ETPs, the effluent waste is treated chemically and physically to remove pollutants and other hazardous materials so that the negative effect on the environment is reduced.
Taking the principle of ETP to the next level is Zero Discharge ETP. In contrast to common ETPs, in Zero Discharge ETPs, no effluent is sent off to the environment. The entirety of the liquid residue is redirected back to the main process (or an accompanying process) and is reused. This not only placates the issue of environmental damage, but in addition allows the industry to reuse chemicals and leftover feed.

Benefits of Zero Discharge ETP
The core benefits of Zero Discharge ETP are environmental and economic. First and foremost, by removing any discharge, an industrial process greatly limits the probability of pollution. Although the technology in common Discharge ETPs has advanced to an unprecedented level, the possibility remains that some pollutants may bypass all screening. In Zero Discharge ETP, the whole effluent is taken back into the process and therefore leaves virtually no gap for pollutants to enter the environment.
Furthermore, there are economic benefits. The process fluid is imbued with expensive chemicals and materials that are almost never fully utilized in the first run. These unused reagents and chemicals end up in the liquid waste. Throwing these away is throwing away money. Again, these chemicals are usually harmful for the environment. Treating them before release into the environment is another source of cost that brings no direct benefit to the business. In complete opposition to this, in Zero Discharge ETP, the effluent is put back in the process. Although some treatment costs persist, the reuse of chemicals and other materials over time becomes a great money-saver for the industry.
Base Papers and Zero Discharge ETP
From the very beginning, Base Papers Ltd. has a clear understanding of the responsibilities an industry has to the society and the world. The overwhelming issue of ecological catastrophe has always been front and center in Base Papers Limited’ policymaking. Base Papers Limited has implemented and maintained a Zero Discharge ETP process since the very beginning. Base Papers Limited produces premium quality paper from recycled waste paper. Sustainability and environmental efforts have always been at the forefront of the company’s core objectives. True to this cause, Base Papers Limited is operating a Zero Discharge ETP process to ensure that the company is doing its utmost in preserving the environment. Base Papers Limited will continue to lead and set examples in sustainability in the industrial business-scape, both home and abroad.